Friday, August 24, 2018

Reflected Player and Missile

After some reading numerous examples online and practicing some code, I had decided on using missiles for the cars, or at least until I come up with a better idea if one does exist.  I am still working on the other sprites, like the Fake Service Dog.  So far I have figured out how to make the missile as an 8x8 square.  While it requires some imagination to think of it as a car, right now it is better than nothing and gives me a starting point.  I am considering make a car that sustains damage from the carts by changing the size of the missile with each collision.

For example, start with a 8x8 missiles side by side to make a "car."  With each collision, the missile will half in size.  When the missile is reduced to zero a new "car" will generate, or maybe a life is lost.

Or I may have a car health bar on the bottom of the screen by the score.

Not sure.

Currently I have the Car generate on the right side of the screen and scroll to the left, attracting the shopping cart. When the car reaches the left side of the screen it randomly generates back onto the right side of the screen with new y-coordinates.  So far it keeps going after a collision.

In this latest update I had also added sprite reflection so that the shopping cart always faces the car and player 1 changes direction, but I would much rather animate player 1 in the future.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Attack Of The (Fake) Service Dog!

I was trying to figure out how to use some of the missile and ball sprites when a friend of mine made a joke after seeing the last uploaded video showing the Bag Boy and cart sprites.  They had mentioned that I should make a sign on the carts that said "no dogs," a reference to a local grocery store recently putting notifications that only service dogs were allowed and no animals were permitted in the shopping carts.  This had got me thinking about the sometimes unruly "service" dogs that customers bring into grocery stores and so I found some inspiration - the fake service dog enemy!

While I am still trying to figure out the mechanics to have a cart sprite head towards a car graphic, the fake service dog (FSD) works perfectly for randomizing events.  The FSD will chase the Bag Boy instead of a car and the Bag Boy can utilize the missile, which will represent something like a candy bar or cookie.  Shoot the dog before he gets you and receive some points.  Get bit and you may lose some points or a life - I still haven't quite figured out how to do the life thing yet.  I may opt for a health bar or have each level timed instead of hitting a score goal, like advancing in levels every 25 or so points. I am having difficulty switching from the cart sprite to the dog sprite but will focus on this development since this provides greater variation.

I had also improved on the cart spawning by using a similar method to my playfield collision, essentially randomizing numbers for the cart x,y within the boundaries of the parking lot.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Added Sound And Improved Cart Randomization

I had finally gotten my new laptop and started up where I left off several days ago.  I am still getting familiarized with programming and using the Visual bB interface.  I worked on improving the randomization of the cart spawning and added sound to play at the moment of collision with Player 1.

I also created a simple collision detection with Player 1 and the playfield by just restricting movement based on pixel.

I am still trying to figure out how to contain the spawning within the playfield, as well as improve collision detection with Player 1 and the playfield in the most efficient manner but currently the setup works.

Manatee Madness!

Stage work is coming along nicely, with the foundations laid down for the Rain, Snow, and Volcano stage. The Black Friday stage is proving ...