Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Bag Boy - The Beginning!

Getting started on programming Bag Boy!

Basically, the premise of the game is that Player 1 is the eponymous hero, Bag Boy.  Bag Boy must prevent the wayward shopping carts from striking the passing cars in the parking lot.

Setting up the game seems pretty straightforward.  Playfield and Sprites were entered.

Starting Playfield:

Cart Sprite:

Player 1 Sprite:

My initial goal with programming these items is to become more familiar with the game play, with my assumption being that escalating the difficulty of the levels would be easier.

Currently, I am thinking game play will involve randomly generated shopping carts. I am considering using the missile sprites to act as cars that will move across the screen, similar to the cars and trucks in Frogger.  The shopping cart will have an attraction to a car and the goal of Player 1 is to get the cart before it collides with the missile. Doing so will increase the score while a collision between the car and missile will decrease it.

As the score increases I will likely utilize the multiple missile sprites and the ball sprite as well as pixel obstacles.

Here are emulated screenshots (I apologize about the quality of the image - the laptop I am using is very limited and so I had to resort to using a camera until my new computer arrives):


Manatee Madness!

Stage work is coming along nicely, with the foundations laid down for the Rain, Snow, and Volcano stage. The Black Friday stage is proving ...