Saturday, September 8, 2018

Added Life Counter, Health Bar, and Game Over Screen

I am still working out my understanding of fixed math variables and what not so that I can reprogram the cart/car collision so that I can create a difficulty option and implement power ups.  My original goal tonight was to work on the fixed math and variables, as well as the spawning of the cart.  I don't know if I did something by accident but it seemed like the cart movement was a bit wonky.  At times it pauses and at other times it seems to speed up if moving in the same direction as the player.  This wasn't too big of a deal for me since I need to rework that section anyway so instead I decided to add a little more to the game by way of a life counter, status bar, a "Game Over" screen, and some music.

The additions are as follows:

  • When a collision is detected between the player and the car a life is lost.
  • When a collision is detected between the cart and the car the status bar is incrementally decreased.
  • Currently, if all lives are lost or the status bar is depleted, game is over.
  • The game over screen was added by making another playfield with varied colors.  I also threw in some sound for fun.

I am still trying to determine if the loss of the status bar should equate to game over or a loss of life.

The purpose of the game over screen was an exercise. 

The game needed a logical conclusion but I also wanted to figure out how to change playfields.  This was a good way for me to practice coding that.  I also wanted to try flashing colors because when I eventually add power ups I want the pixels to be flashing so that they stand out in the playfield.  Same reason for adding music.  Since I had a variable for the flashing colors, I decided to use that same variable for the duration of the sounds and see how that would work.  I had originally tried programming a game over song (as well as a titlescreen song) but had a hard time getting it to work.  For some reason I could get the music to play but the playfield would not draw.  I assume I probably forgot a "drawscreen" command somewhere. 

1 comment:

  1. I am leaning more towards the status bar leads to a loss of life or maybe it reaching zero changes to another screen since there is also the possibility of game over from a score of zero, although I don't really want the game to be so difficult to result in such low scores...


Manatee Madness!

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