Saturday, January 19, 2019

DPC+ Experimentations

Progress has been slow on my game due to life but I have been slowly working on it but if my understanding is correct I will need to rewrite a lot of the code to try and keep it at or under 8k.  Plus I had used up all of my variables early on when I used them a lot when I had first started not understanding the Atari's limitations fully. 

Because of these reasons, and my wife's insistence that the square car better resemble a car it had led me to try and experiment with other kernels, such as the multi-sprite or DPC+ kernel.  While I was doing alright with the multi-sprite kernel, I had felt that the DPC+ might provide with more opportunities for the game that may cater better to my skill level and desire.  I would still like to finish up Bag Boy! using the standard kernel but I think while I work on rewriting the code I can plug it into the DPC+ kernel with some graphical improvements and some game play tweaks that might be positive. 

So the standard kernel would be "Bag Boy!" but I am considering the DPC+ version be something like "Bag Boy Plus!" or something along those lines to differentiate the two.  I think doing a standard kernel version would be a great challenge and learning tool.

Anyway, here is a simple screenshot of what the new playfield and sprite for Bag Boy looks like at the moment:

This could be seen as an improvement over this:

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