Friday, June 21, 2019

Altered and Stage Ideas

Typically when I get a chance to program during the week, it is usually during my lunch. Because of time limitations I try to tackle small projects in these sessions so today I decided to play around with the lightning code since this was an issue mentioned by the Zero Page Homebrew channel.

I had tried extending the lightning Sprite while keeping with the quick flash of the sky. I didn't get it to work probably because of how I implement the flash by changing the background color set to a variable. As I was playing around with the code, I eventually had the lightning flash a couple times as it had before and then have it go in the direction of Bag Boy. I will probably change this to only follow Bag Boy when he has the cart in his possession.

This action has a couple functions. First, it causes the lightning to remain on the stage (as some mentioned) while also retaining the quick flash element from before (that I personally liked more). I thought this also makes more sense being Bag Boy would be holding a metal cart.  I may decide on a slightly different method since I want to avoid flicker or may have behavior of the lightning Sprite tied to difficulty progression, kind of like how the manager's movement changes as things get harder.

Also as a side note, my 6-year-old suggested I make another stage that is at night. I really liked this idea because I was trying to think of something else I could do to increase difficulty. I was thinking of having pfpixels appear down the middle of the aisles to act as a barrier but using nighttime should be easy once I get the stage code done. The hardest part would be changing the graphics of the cars.

What I considered was either swap the sprites with one of just headlights and brake lights because I could utilize the same code for every Sprite, or I would just change the colors of the cars, but that may fill up my graphics bank and I may not want that if I decide to add more animations.

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